Frequently Asked Questions:

Coturnix quail, also known as Japanese quail, are small game birds native to East Asia. They are popular among poultry enthusiasts due to their small size, quick maturity, and high egg production.

What are Coturnix quail? Coturnix quail are small, ground-dwelling birds that belong to the Phasianidae family. They are known for their rapid growth, reaching maturity within 6-8 weeks. They are primarily raised for their eggs, meat, and as pets.

Where can I buy Coturnix quail? You can buy Coturnix quail from various sources, including local breeders, hatcheries, agricultural supply stores, and online marketplaces. Check with your local poultry associations or search online for reputable sellers in your area, and of course, you can buy Coturnix Quail from THE QUAIL BARN!

How many quail should I start with? The number of quail you should start with depends on your purpose and available space. As a general guideline, a small backyard flock can consist of 4-6 quail, while commercial operations may begin with several dozen or more.

What does “Straight Run” mean? “Straight Run” is a term used to describe a group of Quail that have not had their gender determined et. This could be due to their age, or feather pattern. Straight Run groups tend to be less expensive than “sexed” birds due to it taking less time and effort to handle them when filling an order for live birds.

What does “Sexed” mean? “Sexed” is the term used when a quail’s gender has been determined.

What is the ideal setup for housing Coturnix quail? Coturnix quail require a well-ventilated and secure enclosure. The ideal setup includes a cage with coated wire flooring, or an aviary with natural flooring to prevent injuries, bedding material such as pine shavings, nesting boxes for egg-laying, and adequate space for the quail to move around comfortably.

What should I feed my Coturnix quail? Coturnix quail have specific dietary needs. They require a balanced diet consisting of high-quality game bird feed or a combination of grains and protein-rich feeds. Additionally, provide them with clean water and consider offering grit for proper digestion.

How often should I clean the quail enclosure? Cleaning frequency depends on the size of the enclosure and the number of quail. As a general guideline, spot clean droppings and soiled bedding daily, and conduct a thorough cleaning of the enclosure every week or two to maintain good hygiene.

How long does it take for Coturnix quail to reach maturity? Coturnix quail reach maturity quickly, typically between 6 to 8 weeks from hatching. At this age, they will start laying eggs and are ready for processing if raised for meat.

Can Coturnix quail be kept with other poultry? Coturnix quail generally do well when kept separately from other poultry species, such as chickens. They have different space requirements, dietary needs, and behaviors. Mixing them together can lead to territorial conflicts or disease transmission.

How do I determine the gender of Coturnix quail? Determining the gender of Coturnix quail can be challenging, especially at a young age. In mature birds, males typically have a rusty-colored throat patch and make distinct crowing sounds. Females are usually smaller in size and lack the throat patch.

Do Coturnix quail require special lighting or heating? Coturnix quail do not require special lighting unless you want to manipulate their laying patterns. Providing 14-16 hours of light per day can stimulate consistent egg production. As for heating, they are generally hardy and can tolerate a wide range of temperatures. However, providing heat during colder months or for young chicks is recommended.

Can Coturnix quail fly, and do they need a covered enclosure? Coturnix quail are capable of short, low flights, but they are primarily ground-dwelling birds. It is advisable to have a covered enclosure to prevent escape and protect them from predators. A cover also helps to maintain a stable and controlled environment.

How often do Coturnix quail lay eggs? Coturnix quail are prolific layers and can lay eggs as early as 6-8 weeks of age. They typically lay an egg every 24-28 hours, resulting in about 250-300 eggs per year per hen, depending on their breed and environmental factors.

How long does it take for Coturnix quail eggs to hatch? The incubation period for Coturnix quail eggs is approximately 16-18 days. However, this may vary slightly depending on the specific incubation conditions and temperature.

How can I incubate Coturnix quail eggs? To incubate Coturnix quail eggs, you will need a reliable incubator set at a temperature of around 99-100°F (37-38°C) with a humidity level of about 60%. Turn the eggs several times a day during the incubation period. Detailed instructions can be found in quail egg incubation guides or manuals.

How do I care for quail chicks after they hatch? Quail chicks are precocial and can fend for themselves shortly after hatching. Provide them with a clean, warm brooder area with a heat source (such as a heat lamp) to maintain a temperature of around 95°F (35°C) for the first week. Offer them a balanced starter feed specifically formulated for quail chicks and ensure access to clean water at all times.

What are common health issues for Coturnix quail, and how can I prevent them? Common health issues for Coturnix quail include respiratory infections, parasites, and diseases such as coccidiosis. To prevent these problems, maintain a clean and well-ventilated environment, provide a balanced diet, practice biosecurity measures, and regularly monitor your quail for any signs of illness. Consult with a veterinarian for specific health recommendations.

How do I integrate new quail into an existing flock? When introducing new quail to an existing flock, it’s essential to do so correctly to minimize aggression and stress. Quail have very short memories, and this will work to your advantage! Place all the quail, old and new, in a cardboard box and close it so NO light can get into the box. You want the birds in complete darkness for about 20 minutes. After they have settled down and been in the box for 20-30 minutes, you can open the box and place them all back into the enclosure you have for them.  Be sure to closely monitor their behavior for any signs of aggression. After having been in the dark, Coturnix Quail tend to “forget” who their roommates were and will ignore newcomers. It’s weird, but it works! Having adequate space and providing multiple feeding and watering stations can also help reduce conflicts.

Can I raise Coturnix quail for meat? Yes, Coturnix quail are commonly raised for meat production. They reach marketable size quickly and have tender, flavorful meat. Proper nutrition, adequate space, and humane processing techniques are important for successful meat production.

Are there any legal restrictions or permits required to raise Coturnix quail? The legal requirements and permits for raising Coturnix quail can vary depending on your location. It is important to check with your local agricultural department or relevant authorities to determine any specific regulations or permits needed for keeping quail, particularly